
Ethernet - Echo Server


Dieses Tutorial zeigt, wie Sie Ethernet an das Display Board anschließen und dieses als TCP-Echo-Server nutzen können. Dafür benötigen Sie unser Ethernet-Breakout-Board.

After successful compilation and flashing of the source code, the IP address and the port number under which you can connect to the display board are displayed after a short startup sequence.

Tutorial Embedded Touchscreen
Technical Aspects

In this Example Package the HAL Library from STMicroelectronics is used instead of the Standard Peripheral Library (SPL). For the commissioning of the example you need the CubeIDE.

You can connect your display module to your local network and send messages to it using a PC software (we recommend the SocketTest program). These messages are then sent back one-to-one by the echo server.


Beispiel lauffähig auf
3.5 / 4.3 / 5.0 Zoll Display


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